Amazing Things You Don’t Know About Your Own Body: Proof That Your Body is far More Wonderful Than it Looked in the Mirror This Morning (Paperback)


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Isn’t it a wonderful thing to contemplate that as far as we can tell (and the photos are all far too fuzzy to prove otherwise) that you just may be the most intricate thing in the universe…or at least our solar system? Do you get goose bumps when you think about how two single cells could have gotten together, eventually turning into the magnificent you that you turned into…and just what is a goose bump anyway…and what are they good for? And for you anatomy fans…it is admittedly a stellar occasion if you can recall (especially during a test) that the small spaces between the nerves in the brain are called synapses, but doesn’t it add meaning to the monotony to discover that crossing those synapses, the electrical impulses that allow you to sense, and then dodge a pesky mosquito, travel through the brain at a little over 240 mph, and that this same impulse will travel 4 inches inside your head in approximately the same amount of time that it takes a car traveling at 60 mph to roll over a postage stamp stuck to the road? Yes? You’re going to love this book.


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