Beginners Guide to B. C. Bird Song This two CD set provides an easy format for naturalists and teachers to present the B.C. soundscape to adults and students alike.This is a joint collaboration between Mel Coulson and John Neville, nature recordists and birders of British Columbia. We have presented the bird songs of 84 species in eight easy lessons. Our goal is to assist people of all ages to recognize the bird songs around them. Backyard birds, forest,marsh and grasslands of B.C. are all included. Where birds have a regional dialect, such as Song Sparrows and Golden-crowned Sparrows, we have given examples. There is a short quiz at the end of each lesson to help in the learning process. Total playing time:143:24 on 2 audio CDs eight lessons CD #1 Lesson 1 Track 1-9 Lesson 2 Track 1-21 Lesson 3 Track 22-36 Lesson 4 Track 37-49 CD #2 Lesson 5 Track 50-52 Lesson 6 Track 53-75 Lesson 7 Track 76-88 Lesson 8 Track 89-95 _________________________________________________________ COPY AND PRINT QUIZ ANSWERS BELOW IF YOU DOWNLOAD ___________________________________________________________ Beginners Guide B.C. Bird Song Quiz Answers Question# Mystery Bird Song,Mnemonic or Associated Idea CD1 Track 9 Quiz Lesson 1 LAKES,PONDS & RIVERS: 1. Canada Goose Deep musical Honking. 2. Red-winged Blackbird A-con-ker-ree-a. 3. Trumpeter Swan Deep resonant bugling. 4. Bald Eagle Thin chittering call,weak for a large bird 5. Yellow Warbler Sweet-sweet-sweet,little boy sweet 6. Common Yellowthroat Witchety-witchety-witch.. 7. Osprey Sharp whistlesk-yewk,k-yewk… 8. Common Loon Yodelling, falsetto wails, tremolo. Track 21 Quiz Lesson 2 Marsh & Riparian: 1. Killdeer Strident cry, sometimes killdeeh 2. Sora Kerwit-kerwit/maniacal laugh/whinny 3. Great Blue Heron Deep gutteral croak. 4. Alder Flycatcher Low, abrupt three beer. 5. Willow Flycatcher Sharp, rasping fitz-bew. 6. Marsh Wren Reedy trill-like two stones tapping. 7. Wilsons Snipe (Common) Winnowingwho-who/yuk-yuk. 8. Belted Kingfisher Rattle-like Hairy Woodpecker. 9. Northern Waterthrush Twit-twit-twit-sweet-sweet-sweet. 10. Yellow-headed Blackbird Weird grating like rusty hinge. 11. Song SparrowMaids-maids-put on tea kettle-ettle-ettle 12. Mallard Generic quack-quack. Track 36 Quiz Lesson 3 Backyards,Parks& Open Savannah: 1. Black-capped Chickadee Chick-a-dee-dee-dee/Springs here 2. European Starling Harshtseer/wolf whistles/mimics 3. Rufous Hummingbird Buzzing from wings/chuppity-chup 4. House Sparrow Various chirps & cheeps. 5. Spotted Towhee Metallic intro followed by harsh trill. 6. American Robin Cheer-up,cheerily,cheer-up.. 7. Chestnut-backed Chickadee tseek-a-deedee,no whistle. 8. Barn Swallow Excited chattering with trills. 9. House Finch Burry warble with harsh zreee.. 10. White-crowned Sparrow Poor Will peed his pants. 11. American Crow Cah-cah-cah… 12. Cedar Waxwing Very high-pitched,this zeee 13. Western Meadowlark Melodious flute-like song/gurgles. 14. Red-tailed Hawk Downslurred keeer-r-r/horse neighing. 15. Savannah Sparrow Tsit-tsit-tsit,tzeee-tsaay Track 49 Quiz Lesson 4 Deciduous Woods: 1. Hairy Woodpecker Loud, fast rattle. 2. Northern Flicker Loud, laughingwhick-whick-whick… 3. Warbler Vireo Sweet warbles/pauses-like conversation. 4. Western Wood-Pewee Peeyear, slurring downwards. 5. Ruffed Grouse Like a two-stroke engine starting up. 6. Least Flycatcher Che-bek 7. Red-breasted Sapsucker Slowing drum/downslurred churr 8.
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