Corruption and Hypocrisy of Many Clergy: A Personal Experience (Paperback)


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The author of this book has a lifelong experience in the church . The corruption & hypocrisy he has seen & heard of contradicts the Bible teachings in many ways . This book exposes some of the deeds, sayings & thoughts that the author came across . Some of the episodes expressed in this book will make many believers wonder about their relationships with the church & the clergy . It is not meant to deter people from the church, on the contrary it is meant to deter the clergy from abusing the church for their own ends . All of us are partly responsible for what is going on because we put our blind trust in the clergy without any questioning. Decadence, hypocrisy, corruption & sexual immorality is rife and in many instances it goes on unnoticed . No one expects the Clergy to be like the Apostles who met their ends in horrible ways to promote Christian teachings to the world, but we expect the clergy to hold the Apostles as their role model & to be exemplary to the laity in their way of life, christian teachings & values . It is time for someone to expose the bitter truth so that Christianity, the Church & the Clergy gain the higher ethical ground that Christ has sacrificed his life for.


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