Sylvia: A Haunting That Will Never Be Unforgotten – eBook


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This is beyond unbelievable: A master piecea horror story well written to its highest dimension. When you read this terrifying haunted story the hair on the back of your head will rise to its calling. Many People have nightmares. Many people are afraid of the dark. Just the darkness alone makes your spine shivers and to make matters even worse you see a ghost lurking in the shadows looking back at you. Goose bumps covers your body and you become petrified. The terrifying unforgettable spine-chilling haunting started from the 18th centuries far, far up the mountains from civilization in a haunted house. The evil inside that creepy haunted house only wants one thing and that is the souls of the innocent. As the years went by, the haunting become worst and the evil within became stronger. A brave fearless paranormal investigator named John Becker had become obsessed with these hauntings. The demonic forces got stronger. This was a haunting that will never be unforgotten.


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